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The invisible, middle ground on the health spectrum, that until Covid we weren’t talking about.

Intro: Welcome
Intro: Text

Well[less]: Living, but never being or feeling fully ‘well’.



Today with Long Covid, many more people of all ages, across the globe, are moving up and down this spectrum every day. Sometimes every hour.  With no diagnostic, treatment or cure in sight. The unknown is their ‘normal’.

Intro: Text
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Making the invisible visible with data

Intro: Welcome
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A creative self-data project and annual health report (2020)

This is Well[less]

Bringing to life what it really means to live and work with a long-term, post-viral energy limiting condition (ELC) that is constantly changing...and the incredible amount of patient work and symptoms that are involved.

Intro: Bio



What was the financial cost?


How much time was lost?


How much work was required?


How did it impact recovery?

Intro: List

9 data sources

Financial (spend)

Bank transactions (manual data collection - Lloyds Bank)
Bupa expenditure (full xls for 2020)

Communication (interactions)

Email (manual data collection - Gmail)
Calls (manual data collection - Vodafone)
SMS (manual data collection - iPhone)
Calendar (manual data collection - Google)
NHS Patient Access (manual data collection - backdated list of all GP interactions 2020)
Lifecycle App (Full xls of daily activity tracker in 2020)


Covid Zoe App (full xls of response to each symptom choice in 2020)

Intro: List

Cat Fraser, a person with ME (#PwME) and Long Covid (#PwLC)


Purpose-led entrepreneur, using data for design and innovation, to help us uncover, understand and solve the  complex social and environmental challenges we are facing as a society.


During severe post-viral or energy relapses, can often be found with several sleep masks on face, looking and feeling like an upside down zombie for days/ weeks/ months.


(Only half existing in this world).




Intro: Bio

With thanks

...and in solidarity with all people across the globe living and working with 'medically unexplained symptoms'

Intro: Team Members
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Chronic Illness Inclusion Project

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Long Covid Work


Action for ME

Intro: Instagram
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